MIT TTC Library

Who can use the Library?
The Library’s resources are available to students, staff and external visitors. Access to use the Library will depend on which of these categories you belong to, and you will find all the information relevant to you in these pages. Access to the Main Library, after 8.30pm, will only be permitted with a valid Library ID card. Please remember also to carry your student ID card with you at all times.

Replacing your Library ID card

If your student ID card is lost or stolen a replacement card can be issued from the Student Services Centre. There is currently a charge for this service.
If your staff ID card is lost or stolen, a replacement card can be issued by the Principals Office.

How to use the Library

• You will need a valid ID card to access the Library so please remember to carry your card with you.
• If you are a new student you will be offered a Library induction at the start of your course, which will provide the essential information you need to get started with your studies.
• Help is also on hand throughout the year from Dean of students ,Customer Services and Research and Learning Support staff.

• You can borrow books for either 4 weeks or 7 days. However, all books are subject to recall if required by another borrower. Items in our High Demand Collection have different loan periods, ranging from 3 hours, 1 day or 2 days. Some material held within the Library is reference only and cannot be borrowed.

Renewing and returning books

How do I renew my books?
• Normal loans and seven day loans can be renewed as long as they are not reserved by another reader.
• It is your responsibility to ensure that books are renewed or returned on time.
• The date given at the point of issue or renewal is the official notification of when they are due back.
• Courtesy e-mail reminders will be sent the day before your books are due for renewal.
• Non receipt of these reminders will not be accepted as reasonable grounds for waiving fines.
• If you are unable to renew your books please contact the library.

Where do I return books?
• Books should normally be returned to the library from which they were borrowed. This ensures that books are taken off your record promptly, and are back in circulation and available for other to readers to borrow as fast as possible.

Overdue books and library fines

Do you charge fines if my books become overdue?
• Yes we do. This is to ensure that stock is put back in to circulation as quickly as possible for the benefit of all students.

What are the fine rates?
• Fine rates are as follows and apply to all staff and students of the college and other categories of membership who can borrow books.

Fine and charging rates
Loan period of book Daily fine rate Maximum charges per book
Four week loan 10 Shillings per day 200 shillings
Seven day loan 50 Shillings per day 500 shillings
High demand 100 Shillings per hour or part of an hour 1000 shillings

How do I pay a fine?
You can pay library fines by depositing the money in the college account. MIT TTC has equipped library with a wide variety of resources including:-
• Text books
• Journals
• Manuals
• Newspapers etc.